Corporate Responsibility

Corporate Responsibility

From its inception, Ninepoint Financial Group has been committed to encouraging industry and societal change in a positive, constructive way. Of course, actions speak volumes, and our actions are focused in areas where we believe both our firm and employees can make a meaningful difference. We’re committed to donating to social initiatives across Canada and within our own communities.

Inclusion and Diversity

Building a strong team

Our intention has always been to ensure that every employee or potential employee at Ninepoint is treated fairly and given equal opportunity for placement and advancement regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, religion or disability. Part of achieving true diversity within our organization is to celebrate the benefits of that diversity every day.

  • Acknowledgement


    We acknowledge that each of us, regardless of our background, likely hold bias​es and stereotypes that can insult, harm or disadvantage those who are different than we are. Every employee is required to complete diversity training as part of our annual compliance program​.

  • Commitment


    Despite our success to date attracting a relatively diverse employee base, we can and will do more. We are committed to broadening our candidate pool, for every new position, with the goal of further increasing our organization's overall diversity.

  • Giving


    As a leader in the communities we serve, Ninepoint has a long history of giving to charitable causes in those communities. Going forward, Ninepoint is committed to ensuring that causes which promote inclusion and diversity in our communities are materially represented in the charities we donate to.

  • Donation Matching

    Donation Matching

    Ninepoint has launched employee diversity donation matching program. Employee donations to causes seeking to promote and improve diversity and inclusion in our community will be matched 1:1 by Ninepoint​, up to $2500 per employee.

Helping Women in Need

The Lise Watier Foundation is driven by the desire to help women in vulnerable financial or social situations to reclaim confidence in their own abilities and to help them take control of their lives in order to build a future for themselves that is worthy of their abilities and aspirations.

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Other Inclusion and Diversity Seeking Charities We Have Supported

KW Counselling Services
Down Syndrome Foundation
YWCA Quebec
Easter Seals Ontario
Societe deficience intellectuelle.png
Unity For Autism

Indigenous Partnerships

We value the opportunity to play a role in contributing to the betterment of Indigenous communities in Canada. By partnering with Indigenous communities and organizations we pledge our support to Indigenous leaders and the broader population in areas including investment management, investment education and financial decision making. Our commitment is to not only create individual Indigenous partnerships but to help set a standard of inclusion on a larger scale.

We believe that through collaboration and investment we can contribute to the prosperity of current and future generations within Indigenous communities across Canada. 

This commitment is something we are determined to build upon going forward, recognized today through our memberships with National Aboriginal Trust Officers Association and Aboriginal Finance Officers Association.

National Aboriginal Trust Officers Association


NATOA is committed to providing Indigenous Peoples of Canada with resources and information to help create, manage, and operate trusts as a means to ensure the seven generations yet unborn, can benefit from the goals and dreams of the present generation.

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Aboriginal Finance Officers Association


AFOA Canada helps Indigenous people better manage and govern their communities and organizations by enhancing management, finance and governance practices and skills. It is the only organization in Canada that focuses on capacity development and the day-to-day needs of Indigenous professionals working in management, finance, band administration, leadership and program management.

Learn More

Childhood betterment

We’ve committed a significant portion of our charitable support to youth-focused charities and initiatives. Children are very much the future for all of us – employees, clients, and stakeholders – and helping to ensure those children have equal access to opportunities and equal chances to succeed will always be a priority for us.

Childhood Betterment

Supporting Mental Health

Capitalize for Kids

More than ever, kids are reaching out for support. Demand is increasing and mental health service providers are struggling to keep up. Kids and their families are trapped on waitlists – unable to get the help they desperately need. Capitalize for Kids works to improve that situation.

Adolescent Substance Abuse

fondation jean lapointe

The Jean Lapointe Foundation strives to collect funds which allow them to actively and significantly support the fight against substance addictions.

Environmental, Social and Governance

We believe adhering to stringent social governance practices enhances our business and investment management responsibilities. As such, Ninepoint Financial Group is a signatory to the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and fully supports its six underlying principles. We will continuously seek to strengthen our internal ESG fundamentals so that we can better serve our employees and the investment community.

Principles for Responsible Investment


Ninepoint Financial Group upholds environmentally conscious office practices as well as evaluating environmental considerations in corporate decision making.


We provide a safe, and socially responsible workplace for our employees, through continuous diversity and inclusion training. Employees are further encouraged to indulge in charitable efforts within their communities; a mindset and outlook we aim to continually promote within the organization.


Ninepoint Financial Group ensures the highest standard of governance to maintain effective oversight and reporting through our company, but also associated industry partners. The rigorous process we have adopted strives for accuracy and consistency above all.


We are working to establish an internal ESG committee and are a PRI signatory. We will continue to seek opportunities to further our ESG commitment with peers and partners throughout the investment management industry.

Our Local Involvement

In addition to the national charities described above, Ninepoint Partners makes it a point to support community charities and causes because, often, it’s at the community level where significant change can be affected. We are proud to have supported a broad range of local causes: