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Cash Management Funds: A Smart Way to Boost Returns on Idle Cash

Cash Management Funds: A Smart Way to Boost Returns on Idle Cash
Key Takeaways
  • Cash management funds provide daily liquidity, making funds easily accessible when needed.
  • They often offer better returns compared to traditional savings accounts, even in low-interest-rate environments.
  • They are generally low-risk, investing in high-quality, short-term debt instruments.
Cash Management Funds: A Smart Way to Boost Returns on Idle Cash

Cash management mutual funds can be an attractive solution for investors looking to park their money temporarily while exploring long-term investment opportunities. These funds provide liquidity and modest returns on idle cash, making them a flexible choice for those who want to keep their funds accessible without sacrificing growth potential.

Key Benefits of Cash Management Mutual Funds


Cash management funds offer daily liquidity, allowing investors to access their funds quickly, much like a savings account. This makes them suitable for managing cash while earning returns.

Higher Returns

Typically, cash management funds offer higher returns compared to traditional savings accounts, which may have lower interest rates tied to central bank policies. While not guaranteed, returns are usually more competitive due to the nature of their underlying investments.


These funds invest in a basket of short-term instruments, reducing the risk associated with relying on a single investment type. 

Low Risk

Since they invest in high-quality, short-term debt instruments, they are a low-risk option for conservative investors. This makes them a relatively safe place to hold cash while you evaluate other investment opportunities.

Comparing Cash Management Funds to GICs and Savings Accounts

Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs)

GICs provide a fixed interest rate and guarantee the return of the principal but often require you to lock in your money for a set period (ranging from a few months to several years). While GICs offer certainty, they lack the liquidity of a cash management fund, where funds are readily accessible.

Savings Accounts

While highly liquid, savings accounts generally offer lower returns than cash management funds, especially in low-interest-rate environments. While savings accounts are insured (through institutions such as CDIC), they may not keep pace with inflation or provide meaningful growth while you're exploring investment options.

Cash management mutual funds may be a great option for investors looking to optimize returns on idle cash without sacrificing liquidity. They provide a middle ground between the higher returns of GICs (but without the lock-in) and the ease of access found in traditional savings accounts (but with the potential for better returns). While not risk-free, they offer a diversified, flexible way to manage cash efficiently while you assess future investment decisions.

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